But, here is the finished shawl!
In order of importance, I should finish Lily's Blanket then make Nora's doll...
1. Finish this shawl - DONE
2. Finish Lily's baby blanket
3. Finish a crochet motif baby blanket
4. Make knit boots
5. Design and make a slew of felt crowns (birthday gifts) for the birthdays this year
6. Design and make an advent calendar
7. Learn to wash, card, spin and dye fleece, roving, yarn
8. Make something (tea wallet, bag, whatever) with reverse applique
9. Design and post at least one knitting or crochet pattern
10. Design and make Nora a new, smaller, softer baby doll
11. Make fabric houses/carry-alongs
12. Make a real quilt square
We'll see how that goes for me.